Tuesday, 28 January 2014

28th january 2014

Hey guys! I'm starting to get back into the habit of posting regularly now (well I'm trying to). Anyway why I'm really posting, during these last couple days I've been watching this thing on YouTube. It's Japanese (but I obviously watch it with the English subtitles) and its called hetalia. It's about people who are named after their country, and...well sh*t goes down! Haha! But really, here's a pic of Japan (left), Germany (right) and Italy (middle)-

So yeah, that's about it really, GO WATCH HETALIA!!!! IT'S AMAZING!!!!

soooooooooo......see ya guys!

Sunday, 26 January 2014

26th January 2014

Hey guys! Sorry it's been AGES but...you know...stuff happens!

Aaanyway! Did everyone have have a nice Christmas? I did! I got a new tablet and I got TICKETS TO 1 DIRECTION!!!!!!!! I know that some of you may be going "pfft whatever!" But this is a MASSIVE deal for me! This is gonna be my first concert!

Soon I think that's gonna ave it, soooo

I'll see you later guys!